Dark Chocolate Almond Bark

• 3 cups dark chocolate chips 
• 6 tbsp honey • 3 tbsp coconut oil 
• 2 cups almonds • ½ tsp salt 
• ½ tsp cinnamon 
• ½ tsp nutmeg

1 Preheat oven to 400 F. 

2 In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, combine honey and coconut oil. Allow mixture to bubble, but stir constantly to prevent it from burning. 

3 Add the almonds to the saucepan with salt, cin- namon and nutmeg and constantly stir for about 4 minutes, until they are completely coated in the syrup. After 

4 minutes, remove saucepan from heat. 4 Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the nuts on it. Place in the oven and cook for 4 minutes only. Remove baking sheet promptly to prevent burning and allow the nuts to cool completely. 

5 In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, melt chocolate chips. Stir constantly and always scrape chocolate away from the bottom of the pan. Once melted, remove from heat. 

6 Pour almonds into chocolate and mix until com- pletely coated. 

7 Line a 13 x 9 inch glass baking dish with parch- ment and pour chocolate mixture into it. Spread the mixture out evenly using a spatula. You can also choose to use molds like I did. This will give unique shape to the chocolate. You will most likely need to use several molds depending on their size. 

8 The chocolate will need at least 1 ½ hours to cool, if not more. Once it is completely hard all the way through, you may remove it from the dish or molds and break into smaller pieces.