Easy and Quick Paleo Dessert Recipes You Can Make Now

Do you want to know some quick Paleo dessert recipes? Not only are these recipes easy to prepare, but the end product is very healthy and satisfying too. You need not feel bad about indulging in sweets even if you are an avid Paleo advocate. These recipes are made especially for the Paleo diet so you will not be breaking any rules if you treat yourself to some desserts.

The Paleo diet is all about eating food that were available in the Paleolithic era including fish, roots, mushrooms, vegetables, eggs, meat and berries. Back then, people didn’t eat processed foods and sugary foods at all. Due to the nature of this diet, it has many benefits to the human body. The high-fiber meals increase fiber content in the body, which helps lower cholesterol and get rids of toxins. The low-carbohydrate meals help in weight loss. The casein and gluten-free diet reduces the risk of developing allergies. Here are some quick Paleo dessert recipes you can make at home:

Paleo Cookie Dough Bites
Paleo Cookie Dough Bites

Cookie Dough Bites is a dessert that is very simple to make. You can ask your kids to join you in preparing this. These things are not as sweet as cookie dough but it will be enough to satisfy your dessert cravings.
What you will need for this recipe are 3 handfuls of almonds, 3 tbsp. coconut butter, ½ tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. ground vanilla, ¼ tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. cocoa nibs and desiccated coconut. Adding pure maple syrup or honey is optional if you want extra sweetness.

•    Place the almonds in a good processor and grind them until fine. Put in the cinnamon, cocoa butter,                vanilla and salt. Blend together until the mixture becomes a thick paste.
•    Remove the mixture from the food processor and start stirring in the cocoa nibs on the mixture.
•    After that, shape the mixture into small balls and roll on the desiccated coconuts.
•    Put all cookie dough bites inside the refrigerator. Freeze it for 20 minutes before eating.

Note: This dessert is best served cold.

Paleo Nuts and Berries

Paleo Nuts and Berries

Nuts and Berries is the last easy dessert recipe that you can prepare. You will need chopped raw almonds, chopped dried apricots (or other dried fruits), blueberries, a handful of cocoa nibs, pinch of ground vanilla, sprinkle of cinnamon and coconut cream.

•    Mix all nuts and berries together in the bowl along with the coconut cream.
•    Enjoy eating them!
These quick Paleo desserts can be prepared in 5-10 minutes or less so yes, you can even make them right now.

There is nothing wrong with indulging in sweets every once in a while, especially if the quick paleo dessert recipes you’re using are healthy.